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Home Tools / Techniques
Our portfolio of Process Tools and Techniques:

First-hand experience in development and delivery of multiple process improvement tools enables us to provide clients a differentiated opportunity for value delivery. We include:


After Action Reviews – brought to the fore by the US Army to improve their ability to learn in the midst of action and improve team working.  Developed into a facilitated process that allows teams to learn immediately from both successes and failures. Based upon a group review comparing what actually happened with what was supposed to happen from which the organization learns. One of the more powerful learning tools available.


Decision Analysis – a methodology facilitating high quality, logical discussions leading to clear and compelling action. Process follows a number of logical steps enabling all issues to be identified, alternatives to be articulated and evaluated and a solution to be selected. This results in a high-quality decision whose logic is clear to all involved.


DWOP / CWOP / On Paper Exercises (OPE’s) – a workshop process enabling multi-disciplinary and multi-company teams to improve their plans before execution. Workshops have been run for drilling operations (DWOP’s), completion operations (CWOP’s), well clean up, start the field and other similar situations. These workshops address risks / uncertainties, interface issues, program details, operation durations / sequencing, etc.


RACI Development – a powerful but simple tool for assigning Responsibility, Accountability, Consulted and Informed roles within an organization, across multiple functions. Each task is assigned one accountable individual (the buck stops here), one or more responsible individuals (those who do the work) and others who will be consulted or informed concerning the action. The assignments are displayed in a matrix format on a chart.


Risk & Uncertainty analysis – a methodology identifying risks and uncertainties, rating them in terms of probability and impact and developing actions reducing them to acceptable levels. This methodology has improved the performance of projects, increased the uptake of new technologies and overcome hindrances in the roll-out of new strategies.


Maximum Theoretical Performance – a step change performance improvement methodology that enables organizations to identify the maximum gap to future performance. This team-based process compares the project plan to a theoretical maximum performance plan based on offset information and past experiences. This process enables project teams to deliver significant improvement in performance.

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