Technical Papers
Content: Industry Technical Papers
Publishing Organization: Society of Petroleum Engineers
Publishing Dates: 1980 – Present
Impacts include: Industry adoption of systematic borehole survey error model, Drilling in the Nineties business models, Levels of Automation Taxonomy and Systems Architecture for automated drilling.
Listed below are the technical publications by John de Wardt through recognized industry organizations with embedded links to the publisher of each. These are listed in reverse date order.
Automating Directional Drilling: Technology Adoption Staircase Mapping Levels of Human Interaction – SPE 191408
Improving Torque and Drag Prediction using the Advanced Spline Curves Borehole Trajectory – SPE 184611
True Lies: Measuring Drilling and Completion Efficiency – SPE 178850
Systems Architecture and Operations States for Drilling and Completion: The Foundation to Real Performance Measurement and Drilling Systems Automation – SPE 178814
Human Systems Integration: Key Enabler for Improved Driller Performance and Successful Automation Application – SPE 178841
Data Ownership for Drilling Automation: Managing the Impact – SPE 178787
Advanced Trajectory Computational Model Improves Calculated Borehole Positioning and Tortuosity – SPE 178796
Drilling Systems Automation Roadmap – The Means to Accelerate Adoption – SPE 173010
Well Cost Estimation and Control – Advanced Methodologies for Effective Well Cost Management – SPE 173148
The Drilling Business Model: Driver or Inhibitor of Performance and Innovation – SPE 167933
Drilling Systems Automation: Current State, Initiatives and Potential Impact – SPE 166263
Drilling Systems Automation – Preparing for the Big Jump Forward – SPE 163422
Industry Analogies for Successful Implementation of Drilling Systems Automation and Real Time Operating Centers – SPE 163412
Well Bore Collision Avoidance and Interceptions – State of the Art – SPE 163411
Well Construction Automation – Preparing for the Big Jump – SPE 163146
Manufacturing Wells – Myth or Magic – SPE 151051
FMECA and Commissioning: Guidelines to effectively deliver technology and systems for successful Drilling Automation – SPE 140231
Drilling Systems Automation: A technology that is at a tipping point – SPE 14717
Well Delivery Process: A Proven Method to Improve Value and Performance While Reducing Costs – SPE 128716
Risk and Uncertainty Management: Best Practices and Misapplications for Cost and Schedule Estimates – SPE 97269
Deepwater Success through Predictable and Distinctive Drilling and Completion Performance – SPE 87117
Step Change Improvement in Drilling Performance, Repeatable Worldclass Performance is Possible – SPE 59203
When “No” is the Appropriate Answer to the Customer – SPE 52774
Lean Drilling – Introducing the Application of Automotive Lean Manufacturing Techniques to Well Construction – SPE 27476
Strategies and Structures for Drilling and Service Contracts – SPE 23860
Drilling in the Twilight Zone – Somewhere between Dayrate and Turnkey – SPE 25742
Drilling Contracting in the Nineties – SPE 19902
Application of Small-Diameter Inertial Grade Gyroscopes Significantly Reduces Borehole Position Uncertainty – SPE 11358
Borehole Position Uncertainty – Analysis of Measuring Methods and Derivation of Systematic Error Model – SPE 9223
Maintaining a leading-edge position in upstream oil and gas requires a strong desire to develop and promulgate new ideas as well as an ability to debate in common forums. It also requires an ability to seek applications for other analogous industries rather than living in a closed world. A strong network of experts who speak up with for and against views leads to the most powerful solutions.
John maintains a leading-edge position as a thought leader in upstream oil and gas through continuously generating potential solutions to industry challenges and exhibiting the willingness to debate these solutions with his huge network of experts across the industry and outside the industry.

John has been an invaluable and long-standing committee member as part SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, that takes place annually in Europe and the US. He is diligent, leads by example, fulfills all his obligations to the best of his ability. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with John.
Katharine (Stevenson) Tinkler, Senior Event Manager